February 27, 2012

Peugeot + Phillipe Starck City Bike

Peugeot have made a huge effort to gain some courier street cred by recruiting world-renowned French product designer Philippe Starck for their provocative city bike design.

However, there is more than just a marketing exercise for Peugeot as the design of the "ideal city bike" was carried out in collaboration with the city of Bordeaux to whom the inhabitants will be able to loan the bikes as an expansion of the city's existing bike share scheme.

The city has over the last decade introduced many traffic reduction measures and built a hugely successful tram system and emphasis on low carbon commuting has produced a 10% bicycle modal share, a share that it is hoping to grow further in the near future.

The bike itself will be manufactured by Peugeot and is classified as a PMV. It is actually a bicycle / scooter hybrid which I personally find quite strange. This is not an electric bike but a simulacrum that is actually a scooter with a motor hidden somewhere out of view. Well done Philippe Starck. What next, a car that you can pedal with you're feet...oh yeah I remember seeing that somewhere before....

Hat tip: Fast Company