November 1, 2010

Reclaiming car parking spaces with bike racks

one car parking space can park up to 14 bicycles.

Copenhagen has been stealthy and steadily with it's bicycle revolution. One of the city's central policies in bringing about the huge transformation towards the world's no. 1 cycle city status has been the slow removal of car parking spaces in the city centre over the last 30 years, a policy promoted by renowned Danish architect, Jan Gehl. With 2% of the city's on street car parking removed every year, the citizens don't notice this happening, according to Gehl.

With the Cargo Bicycle culture a hinge factor for the success of Copenhagen, it has had it's own unique problems. With so many cargo bikes in the city, parking space is a constant problem for these large bicycles. Beset with this problem, the city of Copenhagen launched these colourful cars that can accommodate up to four cargo bicycles, protecting them from the elements and also theft. An ingenious solution, these bike storage containers are simply plonked down on a car parking space in the city, and presto, a cargo bike storage facility!

One of the pink Ladcykels in the city.
Another great example comes from designer, Ilian Milinov, a recent entry to Designboom's Seoul Cycle City design competition. The car silhouette offers a striking image of intent to any city who dares put them out on the streets, but as Copenhagen have proven, small steps make big differences.

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