September 12, 2011

Bankside Bikeshed Winner

September 8, 2011

Bike Parking | Zaandam, The Netherlands

Nunc Architects have designed a warehouse for parking bicycles in the Netherlands.

April 30, 2011

Union Station Bike Parking

A nice bicycle parking garage for 1,000 bikes at Union Station in Washington D.C. designed by KGP design studio. Scroll down to see a great Streetfilms video on how the station is managed and some reaction from daily commuters. The structure of the station is inspired by the bicycle itself and represents an interpretation of the bicycle wheel.

February 2, 2011

BMW presents The New City

This is the first installment from the BMW Documentary Series "Wherever You Want To Go". The series is taking a look at the future of mobility. The series features some of the most influential scientists, academics, pioneers, and entrepreneurs of our time. The four-part documentary paints a unique picture of technology, culture, cities, our past, present and how it all relates to the future of mobility and not a BMW in sight! Go figure.

January 27, 2011

The Fietsappel

In August of last year, the city of Alphen aan den Rijn in the Netherlands opened the Bicycle Apple, a bicycle parking facility with a capacity of 970 bicycles. The Bicycle Apple is located next to the train station which promotes the culture of intermodality which is so prevalent in the Netherlands. Existing bicycle parking near the station, parking more than 4,000 bicycles, had already reached capacity.

Cycle Parking Lot

Annie Scheel

This is the winning entry to a design competition for bike commuter facilities in Downtown Philadelphia. The all-in-one and masterplan designed by Columbia graduate, Annie Scheel, gives a place in the city for the exploding populations of urban cyclist commuters. The multi-storey bicycle storage facility can hold up to 690 bicycles.

January 26, 2011

Copenhagen Bicycle Parking

A nice little video featuring bicycle parking in Copenhagen, produced by

toronto bike rack designs materialize

The winning designs of the Ontario College of Art & Design's student bike rack competition have been installed along Queen St. West in Toronto. The jovial comic-book style speech bubble designs celebrate and animate the stationary bike, while reflecting an emerging pride in the city's cycling culture.

London BikeShed Competition

image: leon zhu | dynamic soeul

The Architecture Foundation has launched an international design competition for a portable bike shed at Bankside, south London.

January 19, 2011

Urban Mobility Beyond the Car

As part of the MaHS/MaUSP programme at KU Leuven, ecourb was involved in a project looking at 'Urban Mobility Beyond the Car'. We decided to create a comic book, in the style of the 'Yes is More' archicomic published last year by BIG. The results of this comic are shown here.

January 4, 2011

Peak Travel

A new study of trend in passenger transport in 8 industrialized countries recently published points to the possible existence of peak travel. Historically as GNP rose, so too did travel activity among the population. However, new evidence has come to light that suggests once a certain GNP level is reached, the passenger kilometers travelled per year per capita stagnates and in some instances, begins to fall. This prediction is completely at odds with government predictions which point to continuing growth in passenger travel well beyond 2030.